LLC stands for limited liability company, a business structure combining aspects of both corporations and partnerships.

A Pennsylvania LLC is created by filing a Certificate of Organization Domestic Limited Liability Company with the Department of State.

The certificate must include: the LLC's name and address; the name and address of the LLC’s registered agent; the name and address of each organizer of the LLC; whether the LLC will be run by a manager; and whether the LLC will provide professional services.

A limited liability company (LLC) offers protection from personal liability for business debts, just like a corporation. However, unlike a corporation, which must pay its own taxes, an LLC is a pass-through tax entity: The profits and losses of the business pass through to its owners, who report them on their personal tax returns just as they would if they owned a partnership or sole proprietorship. Moreover, while setting up an LLC is more difficult than creating a partnership or sole proprietorship, running one is significantly easier than running a corporation.

La Baguette Magigue LLC has been registered on March 11, 2014